2 different header options:
2 different navigation bar options:
3 different homepage slider lay-outs with pay-off/slogan
3 differtent shopping cart actions:
Shop now:
A pop-up with the product and, if applicable, product options and quantity.
A simpel pop up message that gives the customer the choice to continue shopping or proceed to shopping cart.
Fly to cart:
This nice visual makes products ‘fly’ to the shopping cart.
Fully responsive
Smart mouse-over shopping cart feature with totals

- 7 different icons for the wish list
- Retina ready
- Built-in Dynamic Remarketing tag for Google AdWords
- Choose to showcase 3 or 4 categories in a row on the homepage and Collection pages
- Category texts can be placed at the top or bottom of the category page
- Product images on the category pages can be shows boxed or unboxed (frame around the image)
- Show 3, 4 of 5 products in a row
- Category banner
- Productpage banner
- Double footer
The entire manual can be found on our website: amaSEO manual.